February 17, 2005

BBC Radio 4 compares Livingstone (unfavourably) to Goebbels

Ok, it wasn't actually Radio 4, it was a guest, "Jewish former Olympic athlete, Paul Yogi Mayer," who was (over-)reacting to Ken Livingstone's comments to an Evening Standard journalist. Without any counter argument from his interviewer Paul Yogi Mayer compared Ken Livingstone's comments to Oliver Finegold and his refusal to apologise for them with Goebbels telling Nazi activists to tone down their anti-semitism during Nazi Germany's Olympic bid. The 92 year-old then went on to invoke the spectre of Jewish power by saying that the UK could now lose its Olympic bid because of Jews (in particular the head of the Brazilian Olympic committee) being involved in the decision making process.

After that interview even Boris Johnson of the Spectator refused to capitalise on this media-manufactured spat.

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